Organic Food can cause Cancer according to California!
I recently had a client ask me about a Label that was on the supplements I recommended for her. The Label said “This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause Cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm.” Interesting that it can cause cancer “just in California.” What if I was in another state eating it. Would I be safe then? All joking aside, I did my research to find out that those labels are on everything in California.

What? Why?
Apparently in 1986 California passed a law called Proposition 65. This is the Safe Drinking Water & Toxic Enforcement Act. This is to warn Californians about any chemicals that may be in the products they purchase. Great idea right? Well, yes if you want to avoid buying a toy with mercury in it or other products with chemicals. What about the food? Do they have labels on all pesticide ridden food saying it can cause cancer? Anything that has touched soil can have trace reminiscence of lead. That means all fruits & vegetables, especially organic can cause cancer.
Call the fire department it must be dangerous! This may a good act to protect society, however, I think real live food should be eliminated from this category. We live in a time of fear. Everyone is scared of the Big C word. It’s weird to think that if you eat an apple or green vegetables that it puts you at risk of getting Cancer. I think this is a great lesson in not believing everything the government tells you. Go out and enjoy all those vegetables, they’ll be much better for your body then that food that doesn’t have a Cancer label on it, which likely isn’t real food.
Here is a link to the proposition for your viewing: