na Health
Healing for your mind, body, and heart

About Kira

Wholistic Nutritionist, Yoga Teacher, Reiki Practitioner
I currently hold a Master of Science in Integrative Nutrition from National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) in Portland, OR. The diverse curriculum focused on not only the scientific content of food, but the use of food as medicine to help the body heal. My Bachelors Degree is in Marketing and Business Management from University of Miami. The two degrees together help me have a business mindset to create an environment that my clients will flourish in. I have been around natural health my whole life and grew up with two healthcare practitioners as parents. My father is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine. My mother is a Midwife. Good nutrition was ingrained into me since childhood. I understand that food can be your best medicine or worst enemy and changing your diet can change your life. I am a strong believer that physical activity is healing. Therefore, I am a certified Yoga Instructor and I love to help open peoples mind, body, and soul through the practice of movement and breath. I am a Reiki practitioner and I work with people to heal energetically. I believe that...
"There are many modalities to heal ourselves and it's your choice to go down one path or many paths."
We all have a story that brought us to where we are today.
My Story
I entered college as a healthy young adult. I believed I was invincible. I drank the nights away and barely slept because of studying or partying. The routine I put myself in with alcohol, lack of sleep, and the bad quality food that I was eating only weakened my immune system. Once my immune system was weakened I decided to take antibiotics. The antibiotics compromised my gut and soon after I became allergic to many foods that I was eating on a regular basis. The point here is that antibiotics can create leaky gut thus transforming food that is eaten in excess to foods that create allergic reactions.
I lived with my allergies and hypersensitivities to certain foods for many years until I decided to move to Malaysia for a job. There was no way I could move to an Asian country and still be allergic to Soy! I had to take action and do something! I sought out a practitioners help who specialized in healing leaky gut. By taking certain supplements to tighten my gut barrier junctions I was able to go to Malaysia without worrying about having a reaction to the foods that I ate. That was a huge weight off my shoulders. In Malaysia the food was different. It wasn't the typical processed high fructose corn syrup GMO food that I was used to in the U.S. instead it was a lot of fried foods and MSG. Malaysia is known for their food because it tastes so good. MSG was on the tables instead of salt shakers. I started eating the traditional fried foods often and realized that I didn't feel good on it. I became lethargic, my brain didn't function as well, and my stomach was having a hard time digesting the food. Once I started eating more Chinese foods I started to feel better because it was mostly live green vegetables. Even though I grew up with two health conscious parents I had to learn on my own the importance of taking care of my body since it's the only thing that will stay with me my whole life.
I'd love to hear your story of why you decided to take the steps
to take care of your body.
Once I started eating right my body started feeling more energized. I had to direct that energy towards something useful. Once I was in India I chose to partake in their form of exercise, Yoga. I found that my body, my heart and soul began to open up by practicing yoga. My bodies aches and pains began to be released. Through meditation and yoga my view on life shifted. My approach to people changed. I have more patience for myself and others. I don't interrupt people as much anymore and I listen more. Once my whole being started feeling better the energy work of Reiki came into my life. It was wonderful to discover the power that human bodies have to heal themselves. On my plane ride home from India I had a woman sitting next to me who kept on walking up and down the isle because her knee hurt when she sat down. I asked if i could do Reiki on her and within 20 minutes she was able to sit comfortably for the duration of the 12 hour flight. That was my confirmation to continue to practice Reiki in my life. Now i am able to offer it to you.
Reach out to me if you would like to customize your nutrition, learn yoga, or receive reiki