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Energy Medicine 

Illuminate your shadow. Open your heart. Experience new beginnings.

Journeying with a Shamanic Healer helps bring you out of your mind and into your body and the mythical world. In a mythical world issues are able to reveal themselves more clearly.


This form of Peruvian Shamanism has integrated the psychodynamic process to help us release old belief structures that no longer serve us.  We uncover our sense of identity, our holdings, our deep belief structures, our life’s themes, and our wounded nature. Ritual and ceremonial processes with drums, rattles, and bells are used to connect to the elements and awaken the soul.

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Address the root cause of disease, which is believed to be from trauma stored in the body. Increase your well-being. Release trauma from the body and begin to feel whole again. Become inspired and empowered to take your life into your own hands.

Our bodies carry stories.
Our bodies carry traumas.
Our bodies carry old belief systems.

When you’re exhibiting symptoms of fatigue, depression, sadness, powerlessness, or anger one part of the picture is carrying low frequency energy. Once you release that lower frequency energy and recharge your battery you will feel more full.

Throughout our lives we experience criticism and judgement from family, friends, and even strangers. We tend to unconsciously take on those negative energies or negative beliefs. As we adapt to life, some of those negativities create suffering deeply down to our souls or become present as aches & pains in our body. As we release those weakening energies and start to clear our energetic field, positive energy and more strength starts to lead our lives.

Awareness is the key to moving forward in your life!
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I will gently guide you into a higher awareness for yourself. The first step is Awareness. Then release of beliefs. Then new patterns form. As simple as this sounds, the stories that we hold in our bodies have many layers. Therefore, it may take multiple sessions to experience shifts in your life.

My goal is for you to help heal your past wounds, help you listen to your inner wisdom, and empower you to embrace your full potential.

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