na Health
Healing for your mind, body, and heart

Eat Well Feel Good
The food that you eat affirms
your love for your body.
Cooking and eating is a way to slow down and focus on ourselves for a moment. One of my favorite sayings is "Food is our most intimate relationship and our most neglected." It's true! We tend to be on the run and then try to nourish ourselves with whatever is fast and available. Those fast options can range from a fast food burger to an apple and nuts. What we put in our body is our choice.
As your nutritionist we can collaborate together to change your relationship with food through the following approaches:
Weight Loss
Substitutes for allergic foods
Guidance on making healthy decisions
Healthy recipes
A healthy shopping list
Nutritional education
Mindful eating

It is Health that is real Wealth
~ Mahatma Gandi
A well-rounded diet is important to follow for optimal health. However, most people don’t get all the nutrients that they need through their diet. Supplementation is a way to add vitamins and minerals to the body. It is an efficient way to ensure people are getting proper nutrients needed for their health. Supplementation can be used to prevent diseases and specific disorders. Think nutritious foods first and then supplement the gaps.
Supplements can help:
Treat Leaky Gut
Kill Candida Yeast
Ease gastrointestinal pain
Decrease blood pressure
Decrease blood sugar levels
Prevent disease

Have you ever taken a deep breathe and felt better for that moment? Focused breathe work activates your parasympathetic nervous system, helps calm your nerves, and believe it or not calms your stomach.
Did you know that 90% of your Serotonin is in your Gut, not your Brain? Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that affects your moods. If you are constantly stressed or depressed your serotonin levels may be low. Stress relieving techniques will help bring your body back into balance.
Some stress relieving techniques:
Breathe work
Mindful activities
Positive affirmations
**Some people don't feel fully prepared to do Yoga. Trust that your body is exactly where it needs to be. Know that I understand your hesitance and I offer individual yoga or reiki sessions. We can work together at a pace that is right for you.