Decrease Pain - Drink Golden Milk
Golden Milk will truly help decrease the inflammation within your body. Whether you have joint pain to digestion issues, Golden Milk can help.
I had 2 wisdom teeth removed and drank Golden Milk to decrease the swelling and inflammation in my mouth. Since coconut milk is anti-septic and anti-bacterial Golden Milk was a great drink to consume to prevent infection. I also drank pineapple juice as a natural pain killer. Within 3 days I was back on my feet. My friends were amazed. Normally it takes people at least 1 week to recover from wisdom teeth removal.
Turmeric and Ginger are anti-inflammatory herbs that help with digestion and decrease inflammation within the body. Coconut milk is anti-bacterial, ant-septic, anti-fungal, and anti-viral. It will boost your immune system and the MCT's (medium chained triglycerides) increases the metabolism yet as a healthy fat it satiates the appetite.
Go create a batch of your own golden milk today. Great to curl up to a fire with. Enjoy!